Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Reflection On Advanced Subsidiary Work

The Mark.

On my AS work I received an A grade. With a mark of 88 I was best pleased with my efforts. However I know I could've done more and progressed further and in turn gained a higher mark. I know for a fact I ended up leaving out evidence on post's such as the flat plans of certain parts. Equally I know I ended up missing a question in the rush to get my final piece produced. Both of these aspects could've lowered my grade from the potential it had. 

The Product.

I made theoretical mistakes when planning and creating the product. For example, if i were to think realistically about how i would’ve sold and distributed this piece I would’ve opted for a wider audience. The audience for my magazine was based on the demographic around me.

Whilst applicable in many places, distributing a magazine for teens and the elderly could prove difficult. This is as not everyone will want to buy the magazine due to the niche audience range. Equally even once people do have means to sell the product, it may not sell as well as anticipated due to factors such as it’s a chore to become mobile and buy the issue for the elderly audience. However basing this off of the idea that they have expendable income in the form of pension and spare time if they’re retired. This would allow the magazine to sell, however not to a large amount of people.

My research and planning however was quite effective, this is as i ensured I looked at the existing market and products to help better shape my own. This meant I had a developed understanding of the conventions and norms in the industry. Although I had delved into the subject area in depth, i could’ve done more. I could’ve researched smaller magazines and seen how they sell rather than just big names. Equally in my evaluation I talk about who could distribute and sell my magazine but I have no evidence of this in my research and planning.

Once again if I had applied more time into this area I could’ve had a better understanding of the types of institutions that would distribute my product. By doing this I could’ve shown the examiner my skill and attention to detail on the matters, equally it would allow me to alter my magazine to the distributors expectations. As well as this, my questionnaire was handed out in two area’s on an island of over 147,000 people. This may not be very representative given the area’s. The places I went to were on a weekend were some people or subcultures wouldn’t want to go. Had I perhaps also gone to somewhere like Ventnor and Shanklin as well as the two busy towns I would’ve had more response’s and been able to get a better grasp on who the demography are and what they want.


Overall I understand I did well and produced an effective product. However for this next piece of work on "Film Trailer's" I now understand I cannot cut corners and have to work harder and ensure I cover all area's to produce the best final piece I can.

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